
Voice Blog 2

View on Vocaroo >> Text:        The Harvard study on happiness may be the longest study of adult life that's ever. It wants to find out what really keeps people happy and healthy from teenagers to old age . To get the clearest picture of these lives, researchers send them questionnaires , interview them in their living rooms , get their medical records from their doctors, talk to their children and so on. And about a decade ago, their wives were also invited.        The study started from two groups of men in1938 , continues now with their children . And we can get that" Good relationships keep us happier and healthier. " There's also three big lessons about relationships. First , social connections are really good for us and loneliness kills. Second , what matters is the quality of your close relationships. Third , good relationships don't just protect our bodies but also our brains.        In fact, I'm not surprised by Dr. Robert'

Midterm project: The perfect Santa

The Perfect Santa ( From BBC Six Minutes English) Hosts:          Janie, Linda Specialist: Winnie

Voice blog

View on Vocaroo >> (classic one) View on Vocaroo >> (modern one)     Now, I procrastinate all the time , which means the Instant Gratification Monkey nearly occupies my brain.     There so many reasons why I procrastinate so often. First , I am a person pursuing perfection . On the one hand, I will throw myself into everything I work. One the other hand, I soberly aware how heavy the workload will be to be perfect. So, I will spend a lot of time on struggling . Second , my life is at ease now , I don't have to worry about anything, whether it is study or daily life. Third , the first two reasons lead to my lack of ambition , I gradually really don't care what the results will be.     Through the TED Talk " Inside the mind of a master procrastinator." I firmly believe  that it's time to change. I should start with one thing, make the deadline and stick to it . Overall, it's time to send out the Panic Monster and welcome the Rational Decisi

TED talk 2: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator.

1.Three  keywords I learned Procrastination:       拖延 (n.) The act of delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring. Ex.This is no time for procrastination - we need decisive action. Perplexed:                困惑 (adj.) Confused, because something is difficult to understand or solve. Ex.The students looked perplexed, so the teacher tried to explain once again. Gratification:            滿足 (n.) Pleasure or satisfaction. Ex.   Some people expect instant gratification (= to get what they want immediately). 2.Summary To analyze vividly, a procrastinator's brain is made by three parts. Rational Decision-Maker , Instant Gratification Monkey and Panic Monster . There's no complete non-procrastinator, to  start a career or achieve our dreams , we should be a self-starter . No matter there is or isn't a deadline , we should make one of it, in the meantime, know what we 're really procrastinating on .  3. Video TED talk:

TED Talk 1: The power of passion and perseverance

1. Five  keywords i learned Stratospheric    極高的 (adj.)  A stratospheric price, amount, level etc is extremely high or great. Ex. Some of my strongest performers did not have stratospheric IQ scores. Emerge              出現,浮現 (v.) T o appear or come out from somewhere . Ex. In all those very different contexts,   one characteristic emerged as a significant predictor of success. Grit                     毅力 (n) Passion and perseverance for very long-term goals. Ex. Grit is living life like it's a marathon, not a sprint.   Stamina             耐力;耐性 (n.) physical  or  mental   strength  that  let  you continue doing something for a long time without getting  tired. Ex. Grit is having stamina . Standardized    使標準化 (v.) T o make all the things of one particular type the same as each other Ex. Standardized achievement test scores. 2. The power of passion and perseverance The power of passion and perseverance emerge as a significant predict

Can you trust a smart speaker?

Q1: Do you have a smart speaker at home? A    : Yes ,  I have two smart speakers. One of them is Apple ’ s Siri ,  which helps me operate my phone better. The other one is TmallGenie .    By giving it voice indications , It  can control domestic appliances ,  play music ,  top up my phone and so on. They all bring convenience to my life.  Q2: What is a smart speaker? A   : A smart speaker is a type of wireless speaker and voice command device ,  with an integrated virtual assistant that offers interactive actions and hands-free activation ,  with the help of one " hot word "  ( or several "hot words" ) . Q3: How does a smart speaker work? A    : Basically ,  you give it a voice command and it does what you want . According to the research ,  although each smart speaker system is slightly different ,  when looking at how they work ,  typically the smart speaker listens to all speech and awaits a  “ wake word. ”  Also ,  it will analyze and  learn ho

Commonts of the Hyperloop sysyem

Strengths: 1.  Perfect team work. Teams from mechanical design, teams from computer engineering, and people who've worked on massive motor systems, massive rocketships, and  aerospace, aerodynamic engineering coordinate pefectly. 2. Supporters and experimenters.   S everal commercial companies and dozens of student teams pursuing the development of Hyperloop technologies.  3. Good results. If it works out, this transportation can bring us great economic and time benefit. Risks: 1. Technology. The core technology of  this program still needs to be developed. 2. Economy and politics. The construction and future maintenance costs still need to be discussed. If it works out, it will definitely influence the economic development of region. So, which regions will have the technology influence the politics. 3. Safety. It will not only related with technology but also with politics and possible terrorist attack. So how to maintenance the whole system should be designe